Gaynor family donates $20,000 to establish “Gaynor Family Children’s Fund”
Selkirk’s Jim and Betty Anne Gaynor, along with Pamela McCallum, executive director of the Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation celebrated a generous $20,000 donation to establish the “Gaynor Family Children’s Fund.” The fund is intended to support health and wellness services and programming for the region’s children.
The Gaynor family looks forward to the creation of more programming that will specifically support children’s health and well-being in the region. When discussing the donation with Interlake Eastern Health Foundation’s executive director, Pamela McCallum, the Gaynors were inspired to hear of existing programming such as the Interlake-Eastern RHA’s Camp Stepping Stones, an annual grief camp for children who’ve experienced the loss of a loved one.
“Betty Anne and I are pleased to be able to make a contribution to benefit youth in the region through the foundation,” said Mr. Gaynor.
Pamela noted there have been recent examples of donations specific to children’s health and well-being but that this endowment would ensure the long-term sustainability of this kind of support.
“Our region’s Camp Stepping Stones and the support of other children’s programming such as the Wings of Power breakfast club in Pine Falls are just some of the many ways donations like this can go a long way to improving the lives and the well-being of our region’s children. With the Gaynor Family Children’s Fund in place, many new programs and services that don’t yet exist could be put in place,” Pamela said.
For more information about this and other donations to health care in our region, contact Pamela McCallum at pmccallum@ierha.ca or visit the foundation’s website at www.iehf.ca.
L to R: Jim and Betty-Anne Gaynor with Pamela McCallum, executive director of the Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation.