Farm Credit Canada contributes to improvements at the Gimli Hospital!

Farm Credit Canada’s recent donation of $1,000 will result in some visible differences for patients and staff at the Gimli Hospital.
A stock of Slippery Sliders, a slippery cloth with handles along the sides have been purchased with this donation. These sliders are slipped under the patient when transferring from bed to bed, bed to gurney and/or bed to chair. Sliders transfer patients easily and safely as well as ensuring the reduction of injury to health care providers during the course of their duties. All IERHA staff receive training sessions on.
Marie Arnbjornsson, Clinical Team Manager in Gimli says the donation is much appreciated.
“Johnson Memorial Hospital/Gimli Community Health Center appreciates the donation received from Farm Credit Canada that will ensure the purchase of sliders to assist in the safe transfer of our patients as well as reducing injury to our health care providers.”
Kim Friesen, Relationship Management Associate from Farm Credit Canada says that the donation is all about positive change and enhancing care in communities.
“Through Community Investment initiatives, Farm Credit Canada fosters strong and vibrant communities where our customers and employees live and work, with a focus on rural Canada. We do this by supporting projects that make positive changes and enhancements in these communities, such as the slider project at the Gimli hospital.”
Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation executive director, Pamela McCallum, acknowledged the importance of community giving through this donation.
“Giving back to the community was a primary goal of this donation from Farm Credit Canada” said McCallum. “We thank them for this generous donation that will be appreciated by patients and staff who deliver health care services here.”
Our mission is to raise funds that support health care in the Interlake-Eastern health region. For more information visit www.iehf.ca or contact Pamela McCallum, executive director of the Interlake-Eastern Health Foundation at (204) 785-7044.
Photo L-R: Pamela McCallum, Kim Friesen, and Marie Arnbjornsson.