Gimli Community Health Centre receives two new Vital Signs blood pressure monitors

Recently, the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation was awarded a $3,400.00 grant by the Westshore Community Foundation for the purchase of a Vital Signs blood pressure monitor.
The Westshore Community Foundation, Inc. is an enduring charitable organization created to support not-for-profit groups in the communities of Gimli, Riverton, Fraserwood, Winnipeg Beach and Dunnottar.
Soon after the grant was received, Oli and Marge Narfason approached the Westshore Community Foundation about donating $3,000 towards the purchase of a second Vital Signs blood pressure monitor for the Gimli Community Health Centre. The IEHF and the Narfason’s partnered up to make this second purchase a reality.
Interlake Eastern Health Foundation executive director, Pamela McCallum, says the additional equipment will impact patients in a positive way.
“The addition of two new Vital Signs blood pressure monitors will increase efficiency when caring for multiple patients within the facility. We are honoured to partner with the Westshore Community Foundation as well as Oli and Marge Narfason on these donations which will enhance patient care at the Gimli Community Health Centre”, says McCallum.
Tim Arnason, president of Westshore Community Foundation says the mandates of the two foundations align nicely and that they will continue to partner with like minded organizations wherever possible.
“We are happy to support the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation, not only with this direct grant enabling the purchase of vital signs monitor, but also in facilitating an additional $3,000 from Oli and Marge Narfason which will go towards a second monitor,” says Arnason.
Clinical team manager, Leanne Nickel-Brown says staff are very appreciative of the donation from the Westshore Community Foundation.
“Due to COVID-19 and isolation requirements, the demands have increased and surpassed the availability to equipment, such as blood pressure machines. In receiving this new equipment, it has saved nurses time, steps and has allowed us to provide efficiency in patient care”,” says Nickel-Brown.
Interlake Eastern Health Foundation’s mission is to raise funds that support health care in the Interlake-Eastern health region. For more information visit www.iehf.ca or contact Pamela McCallum, executive director of the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation at (204) 785-7044. For more information on the Westshore Community Foundation please visit https://www.westshorefoundation.ca/.
Photo L-R: Gimli Health Centre Nurses LeAnne Price and Brenna Raemer.