Beausejour Hospital receives new vital signs blood pressure monitor from grateful patient!

Recently, Teresa Gmiterek found herself in the Beausejour Hospital emergency department with a fast heartbeat, dizziness and blurred vision. She had been having symptoms for some time but attributed it to “getting older”. Dr. Olayemi and her team diagnosed Teresa and she was quickly given the care she needed.
Teresa says her care was top notch and that if anyone is experiencing symptoms of a heart problem to please get help immediately.
“Dr. Olayemi and her team were top notch and saved my life. If I didn’t show up to emergency that day and if it wasn’t for Dr. O and her team, I’m sure I would not be here to tell this story. Please, if you have signs or symptoms of a heart problem, emergency is where you have to go,” says Gmiterek.
Once healing at home Teresa decided to donate $3,500.00 to the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation for the purchase of a vital signs monitor for the Beausejour Hospital. She says “giving back” was important to her after her experience.
“I reached out to the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation wanting to “give back” by donating a vital sign monitor for Beausejour Hospital. I am so grateful I have the opportunity to do so,” says Gmiterek.
Amber Reichert, clinical team manager Beausejour Hospital was very grateful to hear about the positive outcome for Teresa’s story.
“It’s pretty incredible how the team had such a great impact on her life. When we do this day in a day out we don’t think of the patient’s perspective and the impact it can leave. Teresa’s story is a reminder of this impact and one I will share with my team for many years to come,” says Reichert.
Interlake Eastern Health Foundation executive director, Pamela McCallum, says working with Teresa on this special project was an absolute pleasure.
“When I first connected with Teresa and heard her story was I so grateful that she was not only feeling better but that we provided such great care to her in a time of need. I was blown away by her generosity and need to share her story to help others,” says McCallum.
Interlake Eastern Health Foundation’s mission is to raise funds that support health care in the Interlake-Eastern health region. For more information visit www.iehf.ca or contact Pamela McCallum, executive director of the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation at (204) 785-7044.
Photo L-R: Teresa Gmiterek (donor) and Amber Reichert, clinical team manager Beausejour Hospital.