IEHF Hosts Annual General Meeting
Approximately 40 people attended Interlake Eastern Health Foundation’s annual general meeting held virtually and in-person at Selkirk Regional Health Centre on September 27.
Brent Wynnyk, chair, thanked donors for their contributions to the foundation allowing $195,000 in funding to be dispersed over the past year for healthcare related initiatives. Marion Ellis, CEO of Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority, addressed the importance of foundation in establishing relationships with donors.
“The foundation provides the opportunity to convey our appreciation to every person who donates. We can’t say enough about the significance of that circle back to donors to acknowledge their donation and extend our thanks,” Ellis said.
Foundation executive director, Averill Stephenson, launched the foundation’s new website and branding. The new logo represents the growth and evolution of the foundation. “We want to be what you think of when you think about improving the health of the Interlake Eastern community” says Stephenson.
Jason Machado, chair of the foundation’s finance committee, reported on the foundation’s financials. In the past fiscal year, the foundation achieved a milestone by surpassing the $1 million mark in assets.
Barb Ramsay, palliative care volunteer coordinator and community liaison with Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority, spoke about Camp Stepping Stones. This weekend camp for children and youth who have experienced the death of a loved one has benefited from donations to Interlake Eastern Health Foundation. Ramsay shared the story of how the coping skills provided at camp benefit children for years to come.
Wynnyk adjourned the meeting on a positive note.
“The coming year is already off to an exciting start and we look forward to sharing more stories with you about our donors and the opportunities to invest in supporting care and community,” Wynnyk said.
Pictured: IEHF Board of Directors (l-r): Ted Lewis, Terri Otto, Jason Machado, Brent Wynnyk, Tracey Epp, DJ Sigmundson, Chris Saunders, Averill Stephenson (IEHF Executive Director)
(missing from picture are board members: Vanessa Foster, Dr. Jonah Fulmore, Tammy Hagyard-Wiebe)