Donations to the Beausejour Hospital support patient care with the purchase of a portable ultrasound machine!
Recent donations from local donors and a bequest was used to purchase a portable ultrasound machine for the Beausejour hospital. This new ultrasound will allow physicians to perform non-evasive diagnostics while giving a clear picture of soft tissues that do not show up well on x-rays. Portable, real-time imaging makes it easy for staff to diagnose and treat patients quickly, leading to better health care.
Amber Reichert, clinical team manager at Beausejour hospital explains how gifts impact patient care.
“All patients deserve equitable and timely access to health-care services. Thanks to these donation funds for helping purchase this ultrasound machine so we are one step closer to reaching this goal.”
Dr. Partyka, site chief medical officer at Beausejour Hospital says the ultrasound will markedly improve the care we are able to deliver to patients.
“The ultrasound will help with timely medical diagnosis and the ability to perform ultrasound-guided procedures and interventions; thus improving overall health care outcomes and reducing the need for unnecessary travel outside of the community. I am very grateful to the exemplary work of Foundation which was crucial in helping us acquire such a valuable piece of equipment.”
Interlake Eastern Health Foundation executive director Pamela McCallum hopes that communities understand what an impact their gifts make on the region.
“It’s nice to see our communities come together to make such an incredible purchase for the hospital. Local donors and a bequest from a very kind gentleman made this purchase possible. Thank you.”
The Foundation’s mission is to raise funds that support health care in the Interlake-Eastern health region. For more information visit www.iehf.ca or contact Pamela McCallum, executive director of the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation at (204) 785-7044.
Photo L-R: Erin Hertz CRN, Amber Reichert clinical team manager, Dr. Partyka site chief medical officer, and Steven Piotrowski physician assistant.