The Springfield Kinsmen Club enhances Kin Place Health Complex with new equipment!
Kin Place Health Complex recently received a $3,100.00 donation from the Springfield Kinsmen Club to purchase ankle brachial measurements (ABI) and toe pressures. ABI is a non-invasive procedure to measure the arterial blood flow in the lower legs. It is more commonly known as a circulation test and is a screening tool for diagnosing peripheral arterial disease as well as assessing severity of arterial compromise.
ABI’s and toe pressures assist with decisions regarding compression therapy and it is a useful tool in assessing the healing potential of lower leg wounds. Performing toe pressures is a more accurate and reliable test for those with diabetes or kidney disease. Until the donation from the Springfield Kinsmen Club the region had to send people out of the community where they use a doppler ultrasound machine with waveform capacity to assess toe pressures.
Paul Brisson club vice president Springfield Kinsmen says the mission statement of Kin Canada is ’Serving the community’s greatest need’ and what greater need is there than the public health and wellbeing of our community members?
Our proximity to the city, highway travel in poor weather, scheduling of appointments often weeks and months away posed challenges for people requiring treatment and diagnosis for complications due to diabetes. This seemed like such a great opportunity to provide a piece of equipment like the Waveform Doppler Ultrasound being requested for the early diagnosis of circulatory issues and health risks which made the donation request an easy fit for our club to channel some funding towards this great cause,” says Brisson.
Executive director of the Interlake Eastern Health Foundation, Pamela McCallum, acknowledges Springfield Kinsmen Club and is grateful for their generosity to Kin Place.
“We are grateful to the Springfield Kinsmen Club for this wonderful donation towards ABI equipment. This new equipment will help us fill a gap in testing and will allow for us to enhance patient care in Oakbank and surrounding areas,” says McCallum.
For more information on IEHF and how it benefits the region’s patients and residents or to make a donation, please visit www.iehf.ca or contact Pamela McCallum directly at pmccallum@ierha.ca.
Photo L-R: Paul Brisson Club Vice-President Springfield Kinsmen, Melanie Sabourin – Chronic Disease Nurse, Dr. Jeff Wiebe – Kin Place Health Complex, Bo McCarthy Springfield Kinsmen, Jim McCarthy Club Treasurer Springfield Kinsmen, and Doug Crabb Springfield Kinsmen.